I am a topologist, interested mainly in knot theory and its generalizations, knotoid theory and combinatorics. I work as an assistant professor at the Department of Mathematics at the Izmir Institute of Technology in Turkey since October 2019.
I was a Dorothea Schlözer Postdoctoral fellow at Georg-August Universitat Göttingen in January 2020- July 2022. My post-doc supervisor was Prof. Thomas Schick.
I was formerly a Leibniz Fellow in August-October 2019 at Oberwolfach Research Institute for Mathematics. You can find my CV here.
Recent/Upcoming Activities
CIMPA-ICTP Research in Pairs Laureate lecture series at CIRM
Speaker in the Discrete Mathematics and Quantum Information Seminar at University of Amsterdam
Co-organizer of Joint Mathematics Meeting Special Session on Algebraic Structures in Knot Theory with Sam Nelson, San Fransisco
Speaker at National Congress of Mathematics, organized by Trakya University & Turkish Mathematical Society, September 2023. My slides in Turkish.
Organizer of the Special Session on Algebraic Structures in Knot Theory held at the Spring Western Sectional Meeting at California State University with Sam Nelson and Carmen Caprau
Invited speaker at Higher Structures Webinars of Feza Gürsey Center for Physics and Mathematics, January 2023
Invited speaker at Istanbul Mathematical Sciences Center (IMBM) Istanbul Mathematics Days VI, October 2022
Invited speaker at the Moscow-Beijing Topology Online Seminars, September 2022
Invited speaker at Workshop on Topology and Group Theory, 9 Eylul University, Izmir September 2022
Invited speaker at IBM Research New York External PIC Seminar, March 2022
Invited Speaker at Combinatorial and Geometric Knot Theory, Oberwolfach Research Institute for Mathematics, November 2021
Invited instructor at MAP , Istanbul Center of Mathematical Sciences, September 2021
Invited Speaker at the National Congress of Mathematics, Istanbul University, September 2021
Invited speaker at Novel Mathematical Methods in Material Science: Applications to Biomaterials at Banff International Research Institute.
Invited speaker at Topology Seminar in Durham University.
Invited speaker at Geometric Topology Seminar in Ljubljana.
Invited speaker at II Encuentro de Álgebra y Teoría deNudos.
Winter Semester: I teach an online seminar course in Geometric-Topology at Georg-August Universitat, Goettingen.
June: Invited speaker at "Virtual Conference on Physical Knotting, Vortices and Surgery in Nature", Novosibirsk State University.
July: Invited Speaker at Georg-August Universitat, Goettingen RTG Colloquium.
June: Invited Speaker at Ohio State University Virtual Topology Seminars.
June: Invited speaker at "Knots in Gdansk IV" (delayed to June 2021).
April-July: I teach Knot Theory at the University of Goettingen. See the outline.